• Why You May Want to Consider Mediation During Your Divorce

    Are you considering a divorce? If so, you may want to think about mediation. Mediation is a process where both parties work with a mediator to come to an agreement. This approach can be a cheaper and faster option than going to court. This article discusses the benefits of mediation and why you may want to consider it. You Can Settle for Customized Solutions Mediation can be a more flexible process than going to court. [Read More]

  • Three Myths About Family Lawyers

    As family law grows in complexity, so does the need to understand the field. It is particularly the case for family lawyers because keeping up with emerging issues puts them in a better position to help clients. Thus, understanding family lawyers is vital for clients since it helps hire the right person for the job. In this regard, you can start with the misconceptions people hold regarding family lawyers. Notably, the myths can make it challenging to make an informed decision when hiring a lawyer. [Read More]